This project is funded by the European Commission within the Erasmus + KA2, Cooperation for Innovation and Good Practice Exchange program. The EcoDESforFOOD + project, which will include the development of an online e-learning platform open access and free, main objective is to offer professionals a holistic training in eco-design of food packaging. The platform will host a course that will cover the following areas:
* Environmental impact assessment. Techniques and methodologies
* Management of packaging and products
* New materials and possibilities in the food industry
* Eco-packaging
* Package-food interactions, sensory quality and shelf life
The consortium is made up of 4 members 3 European countries: Marketmentoro Ltd (Cyprus), Lulea University of Technology (Sweden), University of Zaragoza and PCTAD (Spain). They all have participated in this first meeting.
For further information, visit our website: