Food safety and cereal quality
Food safety is currently a demand of today’s consumers as well as an imperative to open new markets. From the laboratory services of PCTAD we can help you to comply these requirements and carry out shelf life studies which are of great use in food and agricultural products. Moreover, this laboratory has the necessary equipment to carry out the cereal-specific quality analysis.
Services we offer
Food Safety
- Food safety (chemical contaminants)
- Food safety (biological contaminants)
- Different customised analytical techniques at the customer's request.
Shelf–life of food
- Validation of food preservation and hygienisation methods.
- Studies of the self-life of food
- Determination of chemical, physical or micro-biological self-life limiting factors.
- Simulation of marketing, export and a accelerated learning programmes
- Determination of the antimicrobial capacity
Cereal quality
- Cereal cleanness, packaging and milling.
- Ground common grain: Determination of humidity, gluten, specific weight and protein by NIR, weight of one thousand grains, % of impurities.
- Durum grain wheat: Determination of humidity, gluten, specific weight and protein by NIR, Weight of one thousand grains, % of impurities and vitreousness.
- Soft wheat flour: Alveogram (Strength (W), Extensibility (L) and Balance (P/L)), Gluten extraction, Hagberg falling number, Zeleny index.
- Flour and durum wheat semolina: Yellow index, sedimentation index (SDS), Gluten extraction, Hagberg falling number.
- Barley: Beta-glucan determinations.
Equipment available
General equipment
- High-performance liquid chromatography with triple quadruple mass spectometer (UPLC-TQD). Waters, ACQUITY
- ICP Optic Emission Spectrophotometer. Horiba Yobin ibon model Activa M
- High-performance liquid chromatography system (UPLC) with fluorescence Detector detectors (FLD), Diode detectors (PDA), Refractive Index Detector (IR). Waters.
- Gas chromatography with flame-ionization detector and automatic injection system (GC//FID). Agilent, Model FID 7890A
- Climatic chambers KBF 240 (Binder)
- Photochem (Inycom)
- Microwaves (ETHOS)
- Labmaster-aw measuring device, Novasina
- Additional equipment to prepare samples and for conservation: Analytical balances, centrifuges, pH meters, refrigerators…
Specific equipment SACC
- Sample cleaner and separator
- Automatic equipment to determine wet gluten, dry gluten and gluten index.
- Electronic seed counter, for weight test of 1000 grains.
- Wheat / flour homogenizer
- Chopin alveograph with alveolink
- NIR analyser for protein, humidity, gluten, Zeleny, water absorption, starch, hardness, fat, etc.
- Experimental Chopin and Perten mills
- Chopin alveograph
- Automatic determination of falling number
- Grobecker grain cutter
- Laboratory mill
Projects I+D+i
Research groups

Food Quality and Safety CITA

Consolidated Research Group “Analysis and Evaluation of Food Safety”