Molecular Biology Services
The Molecular Biology Service provides the physical framework with the appropriate infrastructure to solve in a fast and precise way the main demands in genetic and genomic studies required by the transformation and marketing processes in the agricultural and food sector. The laboratory also provides scientific-technical support and assessment in the field of specific Molecular Biology services and research.
Services we offer
Agricultural and food sector
- Detection of transgenic agents (GMO).
- Food frauds
- Genetic traceability
- Detection of allergens
- Molecular characterisation of fermented micro-organisms
Food Safety
- Identification of pathogenic species by PCR
- Analysis and identification of spoilage species
- Determination of latent infections
Veterinary and Animal production
- Diagnosis: Bird sexing
- Detection of pathogens in animal biological samples
- Paternity and genetic profile tests: pedigree
- Breed upgrading:
- Genotype associated to a Breed of Sheep upgrading (gene ROA)
- Genetic markers
Vegetable and Fruit Production
- Genetic characterization of vegetal material
- Variety identification in vegetable species (fingerprinting)
- Protection of breeder's rights and fraud detection
- Psychopathological diagnosis: Detection of pathological agents in vegetable material
- Genetic improvement of crops:
- Identification of genes linked to characters of interest (associated to the quality of the fruit, resistance to pests and diseases, resistance to abiotic factors, etc.)
- Early detection of phenotypes of interest using molecular markers
Other services
- Genetic assessment and design of experiments
- Comprehensive assessment by experts and customised RDI Projects
Equipment available
General equipment
- Applied Biosystem 3130XL genetic analyser.
- AB 7900 HT FAST real-time quantitative PCR equipment
- Bio-Rad C1000 Thermal-cyclers.
- Microfuge 16 Beckman microcentrifuge.
- ALLEGRA X-22 Beckman Centrifuge.
- Bio-Rad electrophoresis equipment.
- Gel photo-documentation system
- Nanodrop Termo ND2000 Spectophotometer.
- Telstar laminar flow cabinets.
- Memmer Universal Basic Incubator.
- Water purifying equipment type I and II.
- Autoclave.
- Agitation equipment.
- Incubation thermoblock.
- Dry-running.
- Additional equipment: pH metre Crison Basic 20, electronic analytical precision balances, micropipette equipment, freezers, coolers, cleaning and disinfection equipment.
- Incubators-Agitators.
Proyectos I+D+i
Grupos de investigación

CSIC. Experimental Station Aula Dei


Madrid Science and Technology Park