Innovation – Laboratories

One-stop Service

The Aula Dei Foundation acts as a mediating party between the different entities that comprise the Agri-food sector, companies, institutions and research centres.

On the one hand, we collect the technological offer of all the knowledge centres members of the Aula Dei Scientific and Technological Park. On the other, we are in direct contact with the companies of the sector and try to identify non-satisfied technological needs they may have.

From the PCTAD Foundation, we combine both the provision of information on technological offer and demand and also support the management of R&D&i projects and collaborations between companies and the best research team capable of meeting every need of the industrial sector and the agri-food producers.

If you are a company and have a technological need to be fulfilled, tell us about it. We will analyse it, and put you in contact with the team that will better meet your requirement.

If you are an innovator and believe that the results of your work may be of interest for a company or sector, we can help you to contact a partner who will value your knowledge and confer it a practical application.