Innovation – Laboratories

Transfer activities

The organisation of different transfer activities is one of the main channels through which the Foundation spreads the knowledge from the Aula Dei Scientific Park.

The promotion of such knowledge has been instrumentalised mainly by means of the organisation of different actions such as:

  • Technological breakfasts, workshops and seminars. These are thematic meetings which bring together different agents with common interests and concerns. They allow to address sector-relevant matters in a collective manner and from different perspectives, as well as to establish networking areas to facilitate the interaction of the different agents.
  • Visits to companies. These allow us to have direct contact with every company individually. In these meetings, the Foundation can get to know the innovation and technological demands of companies and entities, their prior experience and the aspects that may interest them the most to tackle R&D&i actions, analytical services and technological improvements, as well as identify possible collaborations.
  • Courses. From PCTAD Foundation of practical and theoretical courses on different areas of interest in the food and environment service sector.
Aula Dei Scientific Par Foundation activities
Actividades de la Fundación Aula Dei
Actividades de la Fundación Aula Dei
Actividades de la Fundación Aula Dei