Integral Control of Plant Origin Food
Offer integral solutions for the vegetable sector to achieve a greater product quality
Offer integral solutions for the vegetable sector to achieve a greater product quality
Offer integral solutions for the vegetable sector to achieve a greater product quality
The purpose of this laboratory is to offer integral solutions for the vegetable sector to achieve a greater product quality as well as the optimisation of the productive processes. All the agents involved in the production chain are potential users of this service. Among them are farmers, first and second grade cooperatives, distributors, stockists, wholesalers and retailers.
Services we offer
Post-harvest assessment of fruit and vegetables and shelf-life studies depending on the target market
- Choice of the right moment to harvest depending on the destination (use of non-destructive classification methods, detection of internal damages, digital analysis of the image, etc.)
- Organoleptic and nutritional characterisation of fruit and vegetables. Shelf-life studies adapted to new markets
- Application of post-harvest technologies (1-MCP, AM, AC, edible coatings, active packaging, etc.) to lengthen the useful life of vegetable food.
Reduction of the use of plant phytosanitary products
Determination of latent infections. Design of low-impact decontaminant treatments. Application of zero waste protocol: Alternative treatments and value enhancement of by-products of plant origin.
- Application of decontamination treatments alternative to the use of hypochlorite (substances of vegetable origin).
- Studies on the antimicrobial effectiveness physical methods of low-impact.
- Optimisation of the compounds of interest extraction methods and their possible applications.
Development of new products of plant origin
(level IV and level V type, dehydrated, natural fruit juices, smoothies, etc.)
- Optimisation of the process to obtain level IV type vegetables: Selection of the most suitable varieties, choice of the preservation treatments, optimisation of modified atmosphere packaging.
- Design of the process to obtain level V type vegetables: Thermal treatment, packaging design.
- Development of new products and formats adapted to the market.
Assessment of the overall quality of fruit and vegetables
- Determination of bioactive compounds
- Nutritional diagnosis of plantations (foliar and fruit analysis)
- Physiopathy assessment
- Export protocols: Detection of latent infection of Monilinia (South-Africa export protocol). Laboratory certified in CC Aragon
Comprehensive assessment by experts and customised RDI Projects
Equipment available
General equipment
- Liquid chromatography with triple quadruple mass spectometer (UPLC-TQD). Waters, ACQUITY
- ICP Optic Emission Spectrophotometer. Horiba Yobin ibon model Activa M
- High-performance liquid chromatography system (UPLC) with fluorescence Detector detectors (FLD), Diode detectors (PDA), Refractive Index Detector (IR). Waters.
- Gas chromatography with flame-ionization detector and automatic injection system. Agilent, Model FID 7890A
- Climatic chambers KBF 240 (Binder)
- Photochem (Inycom)
- Microwaves (ETHOS)
- Labmaster-aw measuring device, Novasina
- Additional equipment to prepare samples and for conservation: Analytical balances, centrifuges, pH meters, refrigerators…
CIAOVE specific equipment
- CMS700 Spectrophotometer (Konica Minolta)
- Calibre (MItutoyo)
- Firmness measurer by acoustic impulse, AFS SYSTEM (AWETA)
- Respirometer (PBI- Dasensor A/S)
- Cooling chamber (Frigo Port)
- Tecnidex controlled-atmosphere chambers
- Spectrophotometer 60 S (Thermo Scientific)
- Colorimeter Chroma Meter
- Stereoscopiic microscope with image digital camera
Research groups

Consolidated Research Group in Food of Plant Origin